How Tolerant is Tolerance, Really?

An interesting quote that I found on a friends blog I thought I would post here. Chew on it a while. Deeply profound, deeply true - if we admit it. For non-Christians who claim acceptance of all religions, are you really as tolerant as you claim to be?
"It is increasingly obvious that people are prepared to tolerate Christianity up until the point that it begins to define its terms."
~ C.J. Mahaney, in his sermon "Cross-Centered Worship"


Sarah said...

So true! It seems "tolerance" means liking anything that isn't she status quo.

Sarah said...

the status quo

Anonymous said...

I don't like the word tolerance. I've always felt that tolerance is pretending to be accepting.

Sarah said...

Hi! I wanted to come see why Google Reader hadn't told me you have a new blog entry for a while... now I know! How are things going???

Sarah said...

Hi! I wanted to come see why Google Reader hadn't told me you have a new blog entry for a while... now I know! How are things going???

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