Right: A friend (left), and Me (right) in "the Box." Good
times, good times!
It's strange the things you remember. Even more odd are the times and places you seem to remember them in. Currently, I am recalling "The Box," my affectionate title for the little square reception room of the Caribbean Mercy where I once worked. I spent a lot of days in this little box. It was usually a hub of activity as crew members came and went, tasks mounted, and phones rang incessantly. Oh yes, as did the paging system. It was organized chaos.
Organized chaos is not what I remember most about "The Box" however, but rather all the times I spent alone in it - which were many since it was so small and shifts were usually a one-woman, or man, show. I learned a lot there, about myself, about God. Sailing in "the Box," was always a true joy-ride, especially since I was unable to look out the windows to help keep my equilibrium balanced and stomach happy. I remember many sails spent lying flat on my back in that little room, feeling senselessly nauseated, wondering if I would ever get through it, and wondering what on earth God had me doing in such a little place that was so demanding, difficult at times, and yes, able to churn my stomach - literally. I remember one particularly difficult sail - my first as the head receptionist, as the ship lulled outside the U.S. mainland awaiting our arrival the next morning. It would be our first time post- 9/11 that we would be back in the states, and my duties were endless as I prepped to prepare for our dockside inspection by the port authorities. Officially, the "Box" was closed, but I needed the after-hours of the closed office to organize the looming chaos of the next day. I already felt overwhelmed, a bit like a fish out-of-water, in more ways than one. I think I spent more time wrestling with God that evening in the little "Box" than I did actually working, but it was just what I needed. Somehow in that quieted little room God was able to quiet my heart and help me lay down my weakness and rest in His strength.
3:58 PM
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Hi Kristy. It's your childhood buddy, Mary. How are you? The thing I remember the most about you is how you loved to write and the stories you made up. When we still wrote letters to each other you would send me stories you had written that were 5 or 6 typed pages.
I just wanted to say hello, and I am glad that you are allowing yourself to be taught and disciplined by God. :-)
Mary -
So good to hear from you! Thanks so much for your comments. I had forgotten all about those book-long letters. Hehe - I guess some things never change huh?
Where are you at these days? I'd like to try and stay in better touche with you.
Yes I remember...! Seems a long time ago now but I too learned a lot of lessons in that tiny space. While I didn't always appreciate being there either I feel kind of sad thinking that it is no longer.
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