I've been reading an excellent book that has been transforming some of my thoughts in regards to God's will, determining it, and His hand in life's circumstances that are not always the thrill or joyride we would prefer them to be, to say the least.

For many of us, there is a pressing need to try and figure everything out. We seek desperately to know God's will and purpose for our lives. From the moment our feet hit pavement post high school, to determining our life mate, career, etc., we long to be reassured we are in the middle of God's will because somehow by doing so, there is found relief knowing that God has His stamp of approval on us. However, when life throws it's punch balls, we are often left wondering "why," or even more desperately, "Where is God?" Ravi makes a wonderful point that it can sometimes take a lifetime for us to determine God's will. He uses Moses and Abraham as just a few examples of bible-time men of the faith who were called to go, sometimes without clear answers or directives as to where and why. In retrospect, these men came to understand that the path they walked down was God's will, but the road to revelation was not easy.

If God were to give all the details of His plans and purposes for our lives in advance, then taking that initial step of obedience required of us by God may be impossible in our human tendencies and weaknesses. After all, we tend to run from anything that may seem or look to be painful. We want the end results, but we don't always accept the journey. Instead of running hard after "God's Will," perhaps the more important pursuit is of God Himself. Positioning ourselves in such a way before the Father that our deepest desire is to simply know Him and glorify Him in all we do, and to realize that we ourselves can not determine God's will. God's will is something that is revealed to us, the timing and place of which is determined by God alone. Positioning ourselves before God simply allows us to hear and obey.


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