Time has this crazy way of escaping from me. It's hard to believe it's been over a YEAR since I've last updated anything on this page! Perhaps part of it is my justification to self that it's mainly just my own ramblings. This in mind, I find it hard to believe any would want to frequent this site regulary and so, I usually just save time and effort in updating by keeping many of my thoughts I would normally jaught down to myself. However, I've missed the outlet this site provides in letting me just write. So - I'm back!

Year in brief - so much better than last year! It's been a good year to take time out and spend time mulling things over and reflecting. I've been learning a lot, but I discover, that the more I learn, the more I find I just don't know. Despite the frustration this can yield, it also produces humility and a dependance on Him whose grace is sufficient for all my needs, and who strengthens me when I'm weak ( basically an everyday occurance!) Daily I discover my need for more of God's wisdom in every aspect of my life, whether it be at work, church, or home. I simply can not function apart from His grace and guidance.

At any rate, I hope to post more often and include more picts as well. Michael and I just got back from a great time away in St. Louis and we are approaching our 3rd anniversary already so I hope to get some pictures downloaded and viewable soon. Until then, stay tuned!


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